Vestal Recreation Department
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Playground Program

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Summer Playground Program
The Town of Vestal Recreation Department would like to invite your kids to spend a morning, afternoon or both in the park. A variety of crafts, games, literature, and special events will be provided for your enjoyment. Make new friends and create new memories. All supervised playground activities are free and open to boys and girls ages 5 and up. Children younger than five years are welcome to attend, but they must be accompanied by an adult. The supervised park sites and times are listed below.

Inclement weather sometimes forces us to close the parks. If it appears to be an all day rain we will close the parks. Any questions please call the Recreation office at 607-754-3368. If there is a storm during the program hours, for safety reasons, we will close the playground and send the children home. We may also close due to extreme heat warnings.

Be sure to watch for news of weekly special events that will be taking place throughout the summer. The playground is a drop-in program and even though the participants may not choose to attend every day, it is required to register.

PLEASE NOTE: Parks will close from Noon - 1:00 PM for lunch. There will be NO supervision at this hour. Please bring a water bottle marked with their name.
To learn about ticks, click here.

Registration begins April 15th for residents and April 29th for non-residents.

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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